Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (2014) [PHR; SPHR-GEN]

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Reference Title: Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (2014) [PHR; SPHR-GEN]
Author: International Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines
Publication Type: Statement Promulgated By A Professional Group
Publication Date: 2014
Course Level: Advanced
Credits: 2
Price: $20.00
About This Course: The most recent revision of the Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations, endorsed by the 38th International Congress on Assessment Center Methods, October 2014, Alexandria, VA.
  1. Overview of this CE Home-Study Program
  2. Information About the Course
    1. Educational Objectives
    2. Target Audience
    3. Schedule
    4. Cost and Refund/Cancellation Policy
    5. Author Credentials
    6. Number of CE Credits Offered
    7. Location and Format
    8. Detailed Description of Program Material
  3. Conflict of Interest Statement

1. Overview of this CE program (top)

This home study course entails the independent study of the Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (International Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines, 2014), followed by the completion of a multiple-choice test on-line. Participants who receive a passing grade of 75% or higher on the test will receive 2 CE credits. Failing participants may retake the test as often as they wish at no additional charge, and receive CE credit when they do pass.

A copy of the reading for this course is available for free download at the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods web site.

More detailed information on the content of this article is given in section 2h below.

APR Testing Services is a recognized by the HR Certification Institute as a provider of recertification credits. APR Testing Services maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

2.a Educational Objectives (top)

Upon completion of this home study program, the participant will be able to:

  1. Identify the purpose of the guidelines.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the history of past revisions of the guidelines.
  3. Define assessment center activities.
  4. Apply the ethical considerations for assessor training.

2.b Target Audience (top)

This CE program is intended for human resource professionals who are credential holders through the HR Certification Institute. This course may also be taken by other interested professionals (consultants, executives, upper-level managers).

2.c Schedule (top)

Access to program registration and post-test is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

2.d Cost and Refund/Cancellation Policy (top)

The fee for this home-study program is $20, which is $10 per CE credit. The fee is fully refundable for 60 days or until the post-test is taken, whichever comes first.

A copy of the reading for this course is available for free download at the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods web site.

2.e Author Credentials (top)

From the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods web site:

The International Congress on Assessment Center Methods is an annual conference for assessment and HR professionals to discuss trends, research and new developments. The conference is a mix of general and concurrent sessions and offers the opportunity to network with assessment professionals from around the world as well as the chance to meet some of the leaders in assessment center methodology.

2.f Number of CE Credits Offered (top)

Participants who complete this course by taking and passing the multiple-choice test will receive 2 CE credits.

2.g Location and Format (top)

This activity requires independent home-based study of the Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (International Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines, 2014). Following completion of the reading material, participants complete an Internet-based multiple-choice post-test on the content of the material.

2.h Detailed Description of Program Material (top)

Publication citation:

International Task Force on Assessment Center Guidelines (2014). Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations. Journal of Management, 41, 1244-1273.

From the reading:

This document's intended purpose is to establish professional guidelines and ethical considerations for users of the assessment center method. These guidelines are designed to cover both existing and future applications. The title 'assessment center' is restricted to those methods that follow these guidelines.

These guidelines will provide: (1) guidance to industrial/organizational/work psychologists, organizational consultants, human resource management specialists and generalists, and others who design and conduct assessment centers; (2) information to managers deciding whether or not to institute assessment center methods; (3) instruction to assessors serving on the staff of an assessment center; and (4) guidance on the use of technology and navigating multicultural contexts; (5) information for relevant legal bodies on what are considered standard professional practices in this area.

3. Conflict of Interest Statement (top)

APR Testing Services (APR) has no known conflict of interest with respect to this CE program. APR has not received any commercial support for this CE program.